


Manages the creation and display of plots using a specified PlotViewer.


base viewers#

PlotViewer(input[, AutomaticYlimits])

Abstract base class for plot viewers used in pyCGM2.

spatiotemporal parameter viewers#


Viewer for displaying spatio-temporal parameters as histograms.

kinematics and kinetics viewers#

GpsMapPlotViewer(iAnalysis[, pointLabelSuffix])

Plot viewer to display GPS and MAP panel

NormalizedKinematicsPlotViewer(iAnalysis[, ...])

Viewer for displaying time-normalized kinematics.

TemporalKinematicsPlotViewer(iAcq[, ...])

Viewer for displaying temporal kinematics.

NormalizedKineticsPlotViewer(iAnalysis[, ...])

Viewer for displaying time-normalized kinetics.

TemporalKineticsPlotViewer(iAcq[, ...])

Viewer for displaying temporal kinetics.

emg viewers#

TemporalEmgPlotViewer(iAcq[, pointLabelSuffix])

A viewer for plotting temporal EMG data.

CoactivationEmgPlotViewer(iAnalysis[, ...])

A viewer for plotting EMG coactivation data.

EnvEmgGaitPlotPanelViewer(iAnalysis[, ...])

A viewer for plotting EMG envelops during gait analysis.


A viewer for plotting EMG envelops from multiple Analysis instances.

ground reaction viewers#


Plot time-normalized ground reaction forces.


Plot the time-normalized center of mass (COM) kinematics from the integration of consecutive ground reaction forces.


Plot the time-normalized center of mass (COM) kinematics from the integration of mean ground reaction force.

muscle viewers#

MuscleNormalizedPlotPanelViewer(iAnalysis[, ...])

This class creates a panel viewer for normalized muscle plots.

custom viewers#

SaggitalGagePlotViewer(iAnalysis, emgManager)

A viewer for creating plots that replicate the sagittal gait analysis approach as proposed in 'The Identification and Treatment of Gait Problems in Cerebral Palsy' by James R.

comparison viewers#

KinematicsPlotComparisonViewer(iAnalyses, ...)

A viewer for comparing kinematic data across multiple Analysis instances.

KineticsPlotComparisonViewer(iAnalyses, ...)

A viewer for comparing kinetic data across multiple Analysis instances.



return color from event context name