
pyCGM2.ForcePlates.forceplates.matchingFootSideOnForceplate(btkAcq: btkAcquisition, enableRefine: bool = True, forceThreshold: int = 50, left_markerLabelToe: str = 'LTOE', left_markerLabelHeel: str = 'LHEE', right_markerLabelToe: str = 'RTOE', right_markerLabelHeel: str = 'RHEE', display: bool = False, mfpa: str | None = None)#

Detect the foot in contact with a force plate and refine the detection.

  • btkAcq (btk.btkAcquisition) – A BTK acquisition instance.

  • enableRefine (bool, optional) – Enable refinement based on vertical force and foot markers. Defaults to True.

  • forceThreshold (int, optional) – Vertical force threshold for force plate detection. Defaults to 50 N.

  • left_markerLabelToe (str, optional) – Label of the left toe marker. Defaults to “LTOE”.

  • left_markerLabelHeel (str, optional) – Label of the left heel marker. Defaults to “LHEE”.

  • right_markerLabelToe (str, optional) – Label of the right toe marker. Defaults to “RTOE”.

  • right_markerLabelHeel (str, optional) – Label of the right heel marker. Defaults to “RHEE”.

  • display (bool, optional) – Display figures for force plate matching. Defaults to False.

  • mfpa (str, optional) – Manually assigned force plates. Defaults to None.


str – Letters indicating the foot assigned to each force plate (e.g., “LRX”).