- class pyCGM2.Report.Viewers.plotViewers.TemporalKineticsPlotViewer(iAcq: btkAcquisition, pointLabelSuffix: str | None = None, bodyPart: BodyPartPlot = BodyPartPlot.LowerLimb)#
Viewer for displaying temporal kinetics.
Plots kinetic parameters like joint moments and powers over time for a given acquisition and body part.
- Parameters:
iAcq (btk.Acquisition) – An acquisition instance from btk.
pointLabelSuffix (str, optional) – Suffix for point labels in the plot.
bodyPart (enums.BodyPartPlot, optional) – Body part to be plotted. Defaults to enums.BodyPartPlot.LowerLimb.
- __init__(iAcq: btkAcquisition, pointLabelSuffix: str | None = None, bodyPart: BodyPartPlot = BodyPartPlot.LowerLimb)#
Initializes the TemporalKineticsPlotViewer.
(iAcq[, pointLabelSuffix, bodyPart])Initializes the TemporalKineticsPlotViewer.
Executes the temporal kinetics plot.
(bool)Sets whether Y-axis limits should be auto-adjusted.
()Abstract method to set a normative dataset.
- plotPanel()#
Executes the temporal kinetics plot.
Creates the finalized plot using the BTK acquisition data and defined structure.