- class pyCGM2.EMG.emgFilters.BasicEmgProcessingFilter(acq: btkAcquisition, labels: List)#
Filter for filtering EMG signals with a high-pass filter.
This filter applies a high-pass Butterworth filter to EMG signals to remove low-frequency noise and baseline drift.
- Parameters:
acq (btk.btkAcquisition) – An acquisition instance containing EMG data.
labels (List[str]) – List of EMG channel labels to process.
- __init__(acq: btkAcquisition, labels: List)#
Initializes the BasicEmgProcessingFilter with acquisition data and EMG labels.
(acq, labels)Initializes the BasicEmgProcessingFilter with acquisition data and EMG labels.
()Run the high-pass filter on the specified EMG channels.
(low, up)Set the frequency boundaries of the EMG Butterworth high-pass filter.
- run()#
Run the high-pass filter on the specified EMG channels.
- setHighPassFrequencies(low: float, up: float)#
Set the frequency boundaries of the EMG Butterworth high-pass filter.
- Parameters:
low (float) – Lower frequency boundary for the high-pass filter.
up (float) – Upper frequency boundary for the high-pass filter.