- class pyCGM2.Anomaly.anomalyDetectionProcedures.GaitEventAnomalyProcedure#
Gait event anomaly detector.
This class implements a procedure for detecting anomalies in gait events.
Inherits from AnomalyDetectionProcedure.
- __init__()#
Initializes the GaitEventAnomalyProcedure class.
()Initializes the GaitEventAnomalyProcedure class.
()Returns the detected anomaly.
(acq, filename, options)Run the gait event anomaly detection procedure.
- run(acq: btkAcquisition, filename: str, options: Dict)#
Run the gait event anomaly detection procedure.
This method analyzes gait events and detects any anomalies, such as two consecutive identical events.
- Parameters:
acq (btk.btkAcquisition) – An instance of a btk acquisition object.
filename (str) – The filename of the data being processed.
options (Dict) – Additional options passed from the filter.